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Design: Liyana Vans
Edit by: HANA^RAHMAN ♬
Thursday • 01:06

hello guys! 
like uolls can see, jarang sangat lah k nak tgok aku update blog cenggini
busy kata ko. aiceh. 

before starting cerita yang berlaku dan happening antara hati bibir dan segalanya. i would like to asks, do u ever feel losts? feel like nothing. feel like everything is mess around eventho there nothing wrong and the unwanted question keep asking on your mind. and yes. it was me for a days. apa apa pun nampak mcm tak bersebab. tak boleh nak describe my own feeling. semakin kejar perasaan ceria semakin bertambah buruk . 


did u ever felt like wanna travel. wanna go a place that has no one. just you with your heart,.. your soul...... i was. but i cant. 

jiwa aku haru biru. kacau bilau. aku tersekat dalam nadi sendiri. kiraan aku belum tepat. lemas. ke kiri ke kanan. its was same !!! 

sampai tahap aku sendiri tak fham. apatah ko. k ok k okkk. 

18.05.13# late posts
• 04:53

Hello guys ! 
this post actually i should post a few day ago. but......
i just can connect my internet on android today. dafak. lol ignore.
ok ready? im start with 180513(date).
So on the day , i have planning with my pretty friends to go stadium darul makmur . to watched pahang lwn jdt then me was like....... VERY excited gila kay ! dalam beria terbit pula perasaan ingin dtg stadium awal, so 5.30 i already terpacak kat stadium and macam ni.........'wow how suprise'!!! too many fans of pahang and johor there , sesak kat situ, tanpa menghirau kan orang ramai, i just go through people and find my friends hezlin . alhamdulilah it dont take to much time to found her. so yah jalan jalan beli baju amok tok gajah. then, me and hezlin go to other friend qyla diena nyet and two more. but suddenly they told us the ticket was sold out ! me and hezlin just redha and take diena bersama because hezlin has spare one ticket. lol. 
kita orang planning nak masuk stadium awal sbb takut nanti takde tempat duduk 'khas' untuk kiteorang, then kita orang just seat at middle of chair , dgn harapan we can see perlawanan dengan jelas aman dan berkualiti *sangatlahkan* . so before start game harapan kami just hancur sbb muncul 4 5 org balaci bising duduk depan kami . so we made a descison to seat selang satu baris belakang dari mereka. then blablabla , muncul pak yob and one family seat infront us , me and my friends berpandang each other and yah for the first minute we just hate it because dari pandangan kami they are so annoyed us ! but not too longer lah kita org fikir macam tu , dah lama duduk dgn diorg it was so awesome and greats! pakyob too funny and i just cant stop laughing like a boss there. harhar lol.
so tunggu punya tunggu , pemain masuk padang , dah nyanyi nyanyi semua , tengok le team is doing warm up.. THE BEGGINING HAPPEN HERE. When tiba tiba trek dipenuhi peyokong pahang yang baru masuk . dah trek penuh macam tu terpaksa lah tunda sekejap sbb nak kemaskini trek. blablabla, trek pun dah clean and clear. pemain pahang pun keluar ah padang semula , time ni panas gila sbb pemain johor tak masuk padang. sbb time tu dah around 9.22 , gila apa nak tunggu lama mana lagi kan . suddenly penyokong johor turun padang..... sbb ada balingan batu dari luar. then.... bila dah reda keadaan semua fan johor pun dah duduk balik. then a half hour after, we got an announ that a game is not going to plays todays . TUNDA* . ralat k ralat . then.... dengan beberapa saat je fans pahang penuhi padang dan trek . its look like crazyy gila gila crazy ! 

we still at our place because yah keadaan tak terkawal , memang gila tak terkawal , lgpun polis kat situ tak berapa ramai. so we just scream and amuk konon nya dekat tempat duduk kami je xD. haha. so after everything lookbetter , kita org terus bla lah. 

this is actually not nice at all...... guess what, rusuhan berlaku tengah padang then eveything became so hard. dengan bola tunda, i just wasting my time for seat and watching rusuhan. bad days ever . bye .

the ends. 

p/s: sorry for the lintang pukang typing. thanks for loan ur eye to read. have a nice days .